While speaking at the recent “A Women Inspired” online conference, I was asked if I have any motivation to press on, for those who are struggling with their diet. I was reminded of the many times that I’ve personally stared down at the scale looking at yet another plateau.
I happen to know how frustrating that can be, and how hard it is to fight negative thoughts. So in order to combat those feelings I’ve put together a list of 15 motivational thoughts and ideas to keep you on track.
Give them a read when you’re starting to feel “Mrs. Give-Up-and–Eat” moving in, and then kick her whiny butt out the door!
- Don’t look back on yesterday with despair. Look at tomorrow with hope.
- Train your heart and your body to yield to a faith focused mind.
- Post your goals where youll see them often, along with notes of inspiration. Reminders are a good thing.
- Do all things, whether big or small to the glory of God. For it is only by Him and through Him that we take each breath that we do.
- Those who persist reach the finish line, while those who give up stay behind.
- If you take two steps forward and one step back, you’re still getting someplace. Don’t give up the moment you slip up. Press on!
- Knowledge is power, but without action its useless.
- Rather than gloss over a problem, take steps toward change. Wisely dealing with a bad habit or issue isn’t the easy way, but it later brings peace to your life.
- Why change your life tomorrow, when today is such a perfect time?
- Take some steps today, if only a few, and tomorrow you’ll be that much closer to your goal.
- Seeds of discipline produce a harvest of strength. Keep planting them daily.
- Those who succeed rise with each fall. While others in a state of discouragement refuse to move on, for fear that they might fall again.
- The road to success is paved with motivation and determination. Don’t let the speed bumps slow you down.
- It is our job as stewards of this human vessel to guide the heart and the flesh according to wisdom, and according to the Word.
- Each moment is a new beginning, make this one count.
©2009, Darlene Schacht
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