SparkPeople Translation
People that quit because of failure are being shortsighted. It’s not their fault. They’ve bought into the popular idea that failure and success are opposite ends of the scale. You either achieve one or the other. This kind of thinking ignores the fact that they can actually be part of the same, longer-term process. A process that eventually, inevitably, results in triumph. Failure is just another step closer to your goal. Edison knew that every time one of his lightbulb prototypes blew up, he was that much closer to success than to ultimate failure. He knew that if he had enough failures (and he had thousands), that he would reach the right answer. And in the end, he is famous for that one right answer and his failures may well have never existed. So don’t give up on your dreams. You never know when you might hit on that right answer.
My Interpretation
It is so tempting to give up, isn't it? "Why bother?", we say, "It's too hard, I'm not strong enough, I'll never make it." It is hard. No one ever promised that this walk would be easy or smooth, especially when we do it alone. It's time to grow up and realize that it is only with the Lord's help and guidance that we can come out as pure gold from a whole lot of tarnish and rust. We all fail sometimes. Never let anyone convince you that there is perfection in any other human being. There is only One who can claim that title and He is the One to be worshiped and praised. We're all a work in progress and our failures prove that at least we're trying. Keep going on; the trip is well worth the prize.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/31/2007 10:36:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivation
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
SparkPeople Translation
Life is really an art form. No two lives are alike, and we each try to craft the best one possible out of what we’re given. Along the way we make mistakes. What you do with those mistakes is up to you. Some mistakes, like wearing your boxers on the outside of your pants, are just silly and can be ignored, no harm done. Others have more of an impact. With these mistakes, you have to know what part to keep and which part to throw away. You can keep the embarrassment of looking stupid, or the guilt of a bad decision. Or you can keep what they teach you and toss the rest. There’s no universal formula for good living. But by adding the lessons of experience while subtracting the fear of failure, you’re guaranteed to come out ahead.
My Interpretation
Life is really an art form, crafted by God. He has crafted us to be perfect in His Son, Jesus, but along the way we make mistakes. It's inevitable, so no matter how hard we try to be perfect, we still fail. That's because we fail in our own strength. We can only reach perfection in Him, but it's so hard to let go of the reigns of our lives. I see mistakes as choices we make when we come to a fork in the road. Which way to go? The way that seems right in our own eyes or the one the Holy Spirit is gently nudging us toward? Only one way is the correct way, the other leads us to a spiritual bumper that will hopefully knock us back on the road where we belong, unless we choose to jump over it and keep going down the wrong road. That's where experience comes in. We learn from our mistakes, eventually, then continue on until we hit another fork and have to decide again. That's the beauty of Life.
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/30/2007 11:28:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivation
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
SparkPeople Translation
Have you ever let the opinions of others determine your path in life? If you have, you are like the majority of people. In our society, it is easy to be consumed by social pressured and to leave what you want to do with your life on a back burner. This reminds us that it is important to define what you want to do with your life. Do not accept it when others tell you which path you should take. Define yourself!
My Interpretation
Why is it that the opinions of the masses mean so much to us? I was just telling my son "you was born an original, don't die a copy." I have to remind myself that God created me so unique that my finger and hand prints are unlike anyone else's in the world. I'm different and am now just learning that it's okay to be so. The Lord knows what's best for us, not our parents, friends, spouses, or associates. Since His will for your life will be done anyway, why waste time agonizing over the opinions of others? Follow your passion and at the end of the road, He'll be waiting to say "well done, good and faithful servant."
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/29/2007 10:37:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivation
Monday, May 28, 2007
I'm almost finished with the VTech cloth. I found out that I can drop it off at Ben Franklin so that'll give me extra time to work on it. Only thing is, my shoulder hurts.
I've finished the cloth. I'll try to post a picture tomorrow. I think it's bigger than 8x8 but I'll give it in anyway.
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/28/2007 04:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Needlework
SparkPeople Translation
Personal improvement, whether it’s weight loss or skill building, is about creating or losing a habit. Still, somewhere along the way, it’s become an event. People diet until they lose 20 pounds – and then stop the smart eating and exercise that got them there. Once they reach their goal, they go back to the way they lived before and wonder why the weight comes back. For permanent change, habits need to stick around for the long run. In what way would you like to be excellent? What do people who are excellent in this way do on a regular basis? Can you do just one of those small things today? Of course one act does not build a foundation, but it does get you started. With repetition and time, that one action will seem more normal. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes part of who you are, and the transformation is complete.
My Interpretation
Why are good habits so difficult to form? Is it the time and energy it takes to form them? Or is it because it's just so much easier to stay where we are? No matter how much we desire change, if we try to do it alone, we will fail. We were not put on this earth as a solo act. Those who have gone before know what it's like. They've been there and are willing to lend a helping hand, shoulder to cry on, and/or ear to listen. They can tell you that without God, they couldn't have done it. So you now have at least two to walk with you down this path. Why go it alone?
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/28/2007 09:32:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivation
Sunday, May 27, 2007
SparkPeople Translation
Ever get the feeling that you should be doing something other than what you are? Not just in the area of good vs. evil, but in everyday life. Do you ever feel guilty about doing a half-hearted job on a project or neglecting your duty to family? Listen to your conscience. It's telling you that you're getting off track. It knows what you're capable of and where your priorities are. If you neglect those standards, if you get your priorities mixed up, it's going to let you know about it. When you work, turn out a product that would make you proud, even if you think nobody notices. When you plan your day, make sure it agrees with the direction you want to head. That'll keep that nagging inner voice from reminding you that something is not quite right here. You may think no one is looking, but somebody is - you are.
My Interpretation
What exactly is this "it" that has been translated? It's the Holy Spirit that will tell you that you're getting off track. God's Spirit within you will let you know you're going in the wrong direction if it is away from the direction God wants you to go in. Not only are you looking, but the Spirit is, also.
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/27/2007 02:16:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Motivation
Saturday, May 26, 2007
SparkPeople Translation
Do you hold yourself to the standards of other people, wishing you could be better than the next guy? Maybe this is motivating you, but an even greater skill is to just want to be better than yourself. How about pushing yourself to eat better, or walk longer after dinner each day? Goal setting is a great way to "compete" against yourself. You select the end result that you want in any concentration that you choose. Then, it is up to you, and only you, to work to achieve those goals. Thus, you'll be pushing yourself towards greatness, not creating unnecessary competition against others.
My Interpretation
Holding yourself to the standards of other people is a waste of time and energy. Why not hold yourself to the standards of the God that created you? That way, you'll see that maybe you aren't a bad as you thought. In fact, you may find that your biggest competitors (negative thoughts)are not as big as you once thought. That way, the end result will be closer in sight than you thought and the greatness you seek is reachable.
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/26/2007 10:55:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivation
What I'm Working on Now
I'm completing my one contribution to the Virginia Tech memorial fund by knitting an illusion ribbon square. Once that's done, I'm going to begin knitting a pair of socks on two circular needles. I also have other squares on other needles which I can get to anytime, but these are my two main focuses. At least for now. I'll post pictures soon.
Posted by Hzjewl at 5/26/2007 10:35:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Needlework