SparkPeople Translation
Life is really an art form. No two lives are alike, and we each try to craft the best one possible out of what we’re given. Along the way we make mistakes. What you do with those mistakes is up to you. Some mistakes, like wearing your boxers on the outside of your pants, are just silly and can be ignored, no harm done. Others have more of an impact. With these mistakes, you have to know what part to keep and which part to throw away. You can keep the embarrassment of looking stupid, or the guilt of a bad decision. Or you can keep what they teach you and toss the rest. There’s no universal formula for good living. But by adding the lessons of experience while subtracting the fear of failure, you’re guaranteed to come out ahead.
My Interpretation
Life is really an art form, crafted by God. He has crafted us to be perfect in His Son, Jesus, but along the way we make mistakes. It's inevitable, so no matter how hard we try to be perfect, we still fail. That's because we fail in our own strength. We can only reach perfection in Him, but it's so hard to let go of the reigns of our lives. I see mistakes as choices we make when we come to a fork in the road. Which way to go? The way that seems right in our own eyes or the one the Holy Spirit is gently nudging us toward? Only one way is the correct way, the other leads us to a spiritual bumper that will hopefully knock us back on the road where we belong, unless we choose to jump over it and keep going down the wrong road. That's where experience comes in. We learn from our mistakes, eventually, then continue on until we hit another fork and have to decide again. That's the beauty of Life.
Yarn Critters
6 days ago
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