SparkPeople Translation
Ever get the feeling that you should be doing something other than what you are? Not just in the area of good vs. evil, but in everyday life. Do you ever feel guilty about doing a half-hearted job on a project or neglecting your duty to family? Listen to your conscience. It's telling you that you're getting off track. It knows what you're capable of and where your priorities are. If you neglect those standards, if you get your priorities mixed up, it's going to let you know about it. When you work, turn out a product that would make you proud, even if you think nobody notices. When you plan your day, make sure it agrees with the direction you want to head. That'll keep that nagging inner voice from reminding you that something is not quite right here. You may think no one is looking, but somebody is - you are.
My Interpretation
What exactly is this "it" that has been translated? It's the Holy Spirit that will tell you that you're getting off track. God's Spirit within you will let you know you're going in the wrong direction if it is away from the direction God wants you to go in. Not only are you looking, but the Spirit is, also.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
I love this blog. It's my favorite one that you've done so far. do you get the pics in? I would like to add pics to my posts, but I have not a clue how to do it.
Thanks. I wasn't planning to add my interpretation but I guess it's a God thing.
Right-click on the pic and copy the link and paste it in your posts.
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