SparkPeople Translation
Do you stop trying when you think you’ve reached your limit? Many people use “limitations” as a stop sign in their lives. It is important to know your limits because injury and burn out can be a product of going too far. But the flip side of the coin is that you should never use your limitations as an excuse. Everyone needs to learn to take a chance and try. If you never try you will never grow as an individual. Are you using the same limits that you set for yourself years ago? Think about the things you wish you could do. What’s stopping you? Are your personal limitations getting in the way of your life? If they are, maybe it’s time to set some new goals to help you overcome your limitations?
My Interpretation
Limits are usually reached with anger and an "I'm through! I can't do this anymore!" We, as human beings, can only go so far and then what? Then we can either let go of the reigns of our mess and ask God to pick them up or we can stand in front of that limit and retry to figure out how to fix it. The correct answer seems easy to make, but usually isn't. It would have been much easier to give them to Him in the first place, but better late than never. Why do we do that? Why do we always think we can take care of everything on our own? PRIDE! Proverbs 11:2 says "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." That wisdom is from God. We all have our limits, but if we begin the journey with God, our limits can come a lot closer to our goals than we ever thought possible.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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