SparkPeople Translation
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve tried to plan everything? Do you get frustrated when your plans don’t work? Many times we try to plan every aspect of a project or vacation and when it doesn’t go exactly as we had planned it to go, we get angry or anxious. The next time you have a project to work on or an event to plan, try to make contingency plans. You might find that the ability to be flexible is an extremely important characteristic of a good leader.
My Interpretation
Well of course you get frustrated when your plans don't work. Who wants to be a failure? Who wants their high hopes of grandeur to come crashing down? We don't want to fail, but for some reason we do, time after time after time. Why? Because we forget to add provisions for life to interrupt our best laid plans. We also fail to seek advice on our plans. "Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances (Prov.11:14, Message). Sometimes, we need the opinions of others because they may be able to see us better than we can. Just make sure it's someone who has your best interests at heart.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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