SparkPeople Translation
Are you able to find inner peace? This is a difficult task for many of us since the world is so busy and often frantic around us. In order to maintain good personal health it is necessary to think about inner peace. Find ways to reflect on your life and accept the things you cannot change. Meditation and breathing exercises can often help you calm your body down and find inner peace. If you cannot be at peace with yourself, it will be hard to be at peace at all...remember this as you try to become a more peaceful person.
My Interpretation
Ah, the elusive 'happiness.' I agree with SparkPeople that inner peace is necessary. However, true peace can only be found in Jesus Christ. You can meditate and take deep, cleansing breaths until you're blue in the face, but if you're not meditating on the One that has your answer, you're wasting your time on temporary relief. As the serenity prayer says, we can be reasonably happy in this life, but extremely happy in the next with Him. Happiness is found within so long as Jesus is there.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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